In Hotel Termales El Batán, we are committed to implement actions to achieve compliance with all sustainability standards in the Environmental, Cultural and Socio-Economic axes. As a commitment to this important process we have drafted the Sustainability Policy of Hotel Termales El Batán l to which we have adhered since September 2015. Code of Conduct and Rights and Duties
Taking care of our natural and cultural heritage is fundamental as a commitment to the environment and to our region. This implies responsible tourism, respectful of the environment and the ancestral and emerging cultural traditions of the region. Through the identification of species of local fauna and flora, the transmission of tourist attractions in the region, the promotion of cultural and natural heritage, the training of our personnel in the prevention of impacts on the natural and cultural heritage and the prioritization of native species in ornamentation and gardens. Because attacking the natural (flora and fauna) and cultural heritage is a crime: Law 17 of 1981; Law 599 of 2000; Law 611 of 2000; Resolution 0572 of 2005; Decree 4688 of 2005. Actions for the care of heritage
We are committed to saving energy and water resources, for which we have processes designed in all our areas and where the active participation of all our users is essential. We implement environmentally friendly practices such as the daily evaluation of the actual water consumption of the Hotel and the spa, the constant maintenance of pipes and taps to reduce water leaks and waste, raising the awareness of facility users and staff, to conserve water, the reduction of laundry load by asking customers to participate in a reuse system if they stay more than one night and the implementation of wastewater treatment and recreational systems. In terms of energy, we measure energy consumption daily and implement strategies to reduce internal and external consumption. Actions for water and energy management and savings
The prevention of environmental, visual and auditory pollution is in accordance with our vocation to ensure an adequate rest for our users and a significant reduction of the impact on native species and the environment of the planet, further reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and Ozone Depleting Substances. To this end, we identified the main sources of pollution and implemented measures to reduce their impact, such as establishing schedules for the lighting of chimneys and that these are lit with firewood from reliable sources and establishing specific schedules of night lighting in places of potential light disturbance. Actions for VPA and ODS Pollution Management
In our facilities and beyond we are committed to the selection, classification and final disposal of the waste generated. In this task we rely on the collaboration of our users with a clean and sustainable environment. Waste Management
At Hotel Termales El Batán we have been committed to research processes for many years. We have worked with several universities in the country researching the environmental impact in the Tota River and very soon we will be investigating the specific therapeutic possibilities of our waters.
In HTEB we fight against this crime and work continuously with the tourism sector and its value chain for the recognition, prevention and denunciation, preventing children and adolescents, and as far as possible all people, from being sexually exploited or in any other way.
Tourists and tourism service providers must be agents of protection and guarantors of the rights of all children and adolescents in the territories, they have the obligation to REPORT this crime to the authorities, even when a person offers, asks or facilitates this crime directly or indirectly. Law 1329